Preconception Massage Therapy
Before becoming pregnant, it is important to build a strong foundation. This begins in the reproductive organs. With the use of visceral manipulation (massaging of the organs), we can improve blood flow and reduce adhesions in the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and surrounding structures.
How massage therapy can benefit you before you conceive:
Ovarian Health: The ovaries are a site of hormone production - hormones that are vital for a healthy reproductive cycle. When we improve circulation to the ovaries through massage, we encourage optimal functioning, including hormone production. The ovaries also house, mature, and produce eggs. Better circulation means more nutrients reaching your eggs, which means healthier eggs!
Uterine Health: Sometimes the uterus can be tilted, shifted, or stuck to surrounding structures. When this happens, blood flow may be inhibited, and chances of a strong and healthy implantation can be lower. Gentle manipulation of the uterus through massage can help realign it. Improved circulation and optimal positioning of the uterus also contributes to a healthier endometrial lining (built up every month after the end of each period), and a more complete shedding of the lining during your period. The uterus is going to be home for your little one for 9 whole months, we want it to be in tip-top shape!
Easier Periods: Have you ever wondered what causes menstrual cramps? Hormone imbalances, endometriosis, scar tissue, and mis-positioned organs can all contribute to painful periods (among other causes). Massage therapy can help balance hormones (see Ovarian Health above), reduce inflammation associated with endometriosis, break down scar tissue, and encourage the uterus to sit the way it should.
Surrounding Structures: The muscles of the abdomen, low back, and hips all contribute to the health of the internal organs. When there is excessive tension in any of these muscles, circulation to the organs can become compromised. This is why massage of these muscles is always incorporated into preconception massages.
Relaxation: Stress is a major roadblock in many pregnancy journeys. I believe every massage, no matter how therapeutic it is, should always be relaxing. Letting go of stress helps improve muscle tone in the whole body, and encourages healthier hormone production. It also helps us have a happier and more peaceful state of mind, which is important for a healthy conception.